The Economic News is NOT All Bad…

Seal of the U.S. government's Small Business A...

Granted, the headlines are not pretty.  Our government seems committed to making the greatest number of mistakes possible, but I am here to tell you that underneath all of that, small businesses are really making things happen!  This is a VERY good thing.

At McDevitt Capital, we are busier than we ever have been, and since most of my loans are to small businesses, this is a positive for the economy. Many of the CDC’s I know are also having very good years (CDC’s are companies that administer the seconds on SBA 504 loans). If the SBA is busy, then again, small businesses are working. There is almost a mini-boom happening in franchising right now. It seems like every franchise out there is very busy which again, means new businesses are starting. This means jobs are being created. I am also seeing another big trend-a lot of boomers are quitting corporate America for good, cashing out or rolling over their IRA’s and starting their own businesses. Now financial planners may cringe at that point, but the owners I speak to are putting it this way, “These large companies I have invested in don’t seem to be very “with it” and with so many risks, I feel better controlling my own destiny”.

I say all of this not to debate investment strategy but to share what I am seeing in the front lines, in the trenches of this economic battle. There are warriors out there, small business men and women and they are cautious, but they are determined and they are not backing down. As a small business owner myself, I acknowledge that there are dangers ahead, not the least of which is our Government’s essential bankruptcy, but I also see opportunities everywhere and I am attacking those opportunities because sometimes, the best defense is a strong offense and I am not alone.

So take what you hear on the news with a grain of salt and know that there are people fighting the good fight. Maybe you are one of us. Take heart!  Because behind the news, on every street corner, the fight goes on. And these warriors will find a way to win. Opportunities abound today, in spite of or possibly because of, the broader economic news. Properties are cheap, rates are low, and there are some people doing very well. Those stories are all around you and THAT is what will keep America going. Entrepreneurship lives on and with it, lies the hope of this economy. We are America, and we are not dead yet!

Have a great weekend!

Michael McDevitt

P.S. If you know a small business owner or investor cheer them on!  If they need money, make sure to let them know about me. My former mentor and commercial partner is closing more commercial loans than anyone in the country and we are successfully bringing capital from around the country to the small business owner or investor. I can pay referral fees as well! Give me a call today at 888.950.9910 Ext.100!