Michael-McDevitt.com is a site dedicated to all business professionals past and present affiliates, staff, clients, friends and family as a means of communication with anyone interested in Residential and Commercial Real Estate News, Mortgage Finance and Compliance, Business Advice, in addition to occasional topics on Strategic Marketing and Sales, Equity Development, Branding and Entertainment. Most importantly – we welcome any and all commentary.

This site posts (usually a few times a week) hard-to-get news, analysis and statistics about the Real Estate Finance, Commercial Mortgage and the Alternative Finance Industries along with exclusive sales technique and marketing advice.

Michael McDevitt has attained ‘Distinguished’ Recognition in Mortgage Finance which derives from attaining exclusive and privileged information while understanding evaluative/statistical data in the traditional Real Estate Finance Industry with the ability to articulate the information well. A thorough comprehension of the CMBS & REIT-Debt Markets, as well as identifying news reports, updates and statistics of Asset-Backed & Mortgage-Backed Securitization activities throughout the world is a subject of education and passion. He is acquainted with knowledgeable financing opportunities and important moves planned by big lenders, borrowers and the confidential dealings of buyers, sellers, brokers and other active players in the U.S. Real Estate and Commercial Marketplace.

Michael-McDevitt.com maintains contact with sources in the financial and real estate markets to ensure industry intelligence and recognize data on how to spot new risks and innovative money-making opportunities. In an industry where there is guaranteed change/evolution in the markets it is crucial to be collectively acquainted with the eyes and ears of the Real Estate Finance and Mortgage Markets.

Michael is an acclaimed Keynote Speaker, Best-Selling Author and Award-Winning Entrepreneur who is regularly sought out by the media to give expert opinions and analysis. He is a featured expert in Real Estate & Mortgage Finance, and a Savvy Sales Strategist. He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CNBC, CBS and FOX affiliates as well as seen in The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, BusinessWeek, MarketWatch, Yahoo Finance, AOL Daily Finance, Ask The Experts, USA Today, Newsweek, Forbes and over 20 Business Trade Journals including Los Angeles Business Journal. Michael has been awarded one of America’s Youngest Premier Experts, Inducted twice into the National Academy of Best-Selling Authors, a featured Expert on The Next Big Thing Radio Show and a Distinguished Mortgage Specialist.

To contact Michael for speaking engagements, case evaluations and/or general information please fill out below: