How To Calculate ROI For Real Estate Investments:

English: Return on Investment analysis graph

ROI Analysis Graph

Return on investment, we’ve all heard it… or as most of us, known as ROI, is an accounting term that indicates the percentage of invested money returned to an investor after the deduction of associated costs. For the non-accountant, this may sound confusing, but the formula may be simply stated as follows:

{Investment Gain – Investment Cost} / Cost of Investment = ROI

But while the above equation seems easy enough to calculate, a number of variables including repair and maintenance expenses and methods of figuring leverage – the amount of money with interest borrowed to make the initial investment – come into play, which can affect ROI numbers.

The article below explains the two methods by which ROI calculations are made:

The Cost Method and the Out of Pocket Method

The Cost Method

The cost method calculates ROI by dividing the equity by all costs.

As an example, assume a real estate property was bought for $100,000. After repairs and rehab of the property, which costs investors an additional $50,000, the property is then valued at $200,000, making the investors’ equity position in the property 200,000 – (100,000 + 50,000) = $50,000.

The cost method requires the dividing of the equity position by all the costs related to the purchase, repairs and rehab of the property.

ROI, in this instance, is .33 % – $50,000 divided by $150,000.

The Out of Pocket Method

The out of pocket method is preferred by real estate investors because of higher ROI results.

Using the numbers from the example above, assume the same property was purchased for the same price, but this time the purchase was financed with a loan and a down payment of $20,000. Out of pocket expense is therefore only $20,000, plus $50,000 for repairs and rehab, for a total out of pocket expense of $70,000. With the value of the property at $200,000, the equity position is $130,000.

The ROI, in this case, is .65 % – $130,000 divided by $200,000. The result is just one percent less than double the first example. The difference, of course, is attributable to the loan – leverage as a means of increasing ROI.

Equity Is Not Cash 

Before the ROI, cited above, may be realized in actual cash profits, the properties must be sold. Often, a property will not sell at its market value. Frequently, a real estate deal will be consummated at below the initial asking price, reducing the final ROI calculation for that property. Keep in mind, also, that there are costs associated with selling a real estate property – again, there may be expenses needed for repairs, painting or landscaping. The costs of advertising the property should also be added up, along with appraisal costs and the commission to the real estate broker.

Both advertising and commission expenses may be negotiated with the service provider. Real estate developers, with more than one property to advertise and sell, are in a better position to negotiate favorable rates with media outlets and brokers. ROI on multiple sales, however, with varying costs for advertising, commission, financing and construction present complex accounting issues that are best handled by an accountant.

Property Cash Flow

An investor may have $30,000 in equity in a commercial rental property for which he paid $10,000 for an ROI of 300%. The property also yields $500 a month in rentals, for a total of $6,000 annually. That’s a 60% ROI on the property’s cash flow – $6000 divided by the $10,000 cost of investment.

Complications in Calculating ROI

Complications in calculating ROI can occur when a real estate property is refinanced, or a second mortgage is taken out. Interest on a second, or refinanced, loan may increase, and loan fees may be charged, both of which can reduce the ROI, when the new numbers are used in the ROI equation. There may also be an increase in maintenance costs and property taxes, and an increase in utility rates if the owner of a residential rental or commercial property pays these expenses.

Complex calculations may also be required for property bought with an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) with a variable escalating rate charged annually through the duration of the loan.

The Bottom Line

Calculating ROI on real estate can be simple or complex, depending on all the variables mentioned above. In a robust economy, real estate investments, both residential and commercial, have proven to be very profitable. Even in a recessionary economy, when prices fall and cash is scarce, many bargains in real estate are available for investors with the money to invest. When the economy recovers, as it invariably does, many investors will reap a handsome profit.

For income tax or capital gains tax purposes, however, real estate property owners are urged to get professional tax advice from a reliable source before filing. Property tax is another factor in the equation when calculating return – if a property owner believes a property tax assessment is too high, in most cases, the assessment may be challenged and often a judgment is made in favor of the challenger.

Pending Home Sales Pop:

Pending Home Sales Pop:

Potential home buyers came out of the woodwork in October, signing contracts to buy existing homes at a higher-than expected pace.

Pending home sales jumped 10.4 percent compared to September, according to the National Association of Realtors, with the biggest gains in the Midwest, up 24 percent. The Northeast also saw sizable gains, as did the South. Only out West did buyers stay on the sidelines, with pending home sales there basically flat month to month.

“Home sales have been plodding along at a sub-par level while interest rates are hovering at record lows, and there is a pent-up demand from buyers who normally would have entered the market in recent years,” said Realtor chief economist Lawrence Yun. “We hope this is indicates more buyers are taking advantage of the excellent affordability conditions.”

This data continues the string of positive housing data with New Home Sales up 1.3% on a monthly basis and Existing Home Sales up 13.5% on a yearly basis.

What Happened to Rates Last Week With Today’s Analysis:

The Unemployment Rate dropped from 9.0% to 8.6%. But the real story is the Non-Farm Payroll data. It did come in close to expectations but the September Number was revised upward from 158K to 210K. Overall, the Unemployment Data is slightly bearish (bad) for MBS. The markets will now focus on Europe for the rest of the day.

Mortgage backed securities (MBS) gained +58 basis points from last Friday to the prior Friday which moved mortgage rates lower. MBS traded in a very tight range for the week. We received much better than expected economic data which normally pressures mortgage rates. Pending Home Sales, Manufacturing, Vehicle Sales, and Unemployment data all surpassed the market expectations and put to bed the concept of a “double-dip” recession for the United States. MBS made all of their weekly gains on Friday afternoon. This gave consumers the best mortgage rates of the week. This was the result of continued concern over the European debt crisis and traders seeking to park their money in the safety of U.S. bonds over the weekend.